jaxens mommy

Bio: tattooed stretched lobed dyke grunge beat poet pro-choice, pagan, democrat, soccer mom.. who votes.. >;) doing my best to piss off the radical right... ...which is very, VERY wrong.. ...Hate is not a family value..


my heart and thoughts and deepest condolences go out to the famlies of the victims of the recent terrorist attack on the USA.

i do have to say that my feelings are mixed on the topic though.

my mother lost a dear friend and co-worker.. someone that i had known and drank with on many occasions..
and someone very dear to my heart also lost someone close to him..
i cannot even begin to attempt to comprehend the extent of their loss. i can only feel their pain through what they share with me.

and i would give them anything they needed for support.

but then i feel like a very bad american, i do not have a flag waving in my front yard, or in my car, or wear a ribbon on my shirt.
i have been wearing black. and i burn a candle in my window every night. that means so much more than falling into the latest fad.

i hear supposedly educated women talking about what they are doing to be a good american, like they are comparing beanie babies.

i sit back and watch the mainstream media with an utter lack of trust. i do not trust the government, i am always questioning. perhaps that is the artist/anthrologist in me..

not too much of it makes sense, and it all makes me realize the short attention span of the country as well as the collective amnesia concerning the US/as well as WORLD history..

what was the US role in the education and arming of the taliban? the funding? why is it ok to support terrorists when it supports our own beliefs? the governments own agenda?

does anyone remember the iran-contra scandal? the japanese wwii interment camps? the christian coalition and their agenda?

why is it like all the liberal politicians have guns pointed at their heads? made to support the pResident in chimp.

it is up to us, the semi youth of america, the artists and free thinkers.. move out of the bush box and look at the reality of what is going down..
support independent media..
help save the lives of the young boys of the USA..
we do not need a new vietnam..


its up to you to retain your freedom that these boys are supposedly dying for..

a radical militant religious faction by any other denomination smells just as foul..


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