jaxens mommy

Bio: tattooed stretched lobed dyke grunge beat poet pro-choice, pagan, democrat, soccer mom.. who votes.. >;) doing my best to piss off the radical right... ...which is very, VERY wrong.. ...Hate is not a family value..



in my dreams
you still walk
your legs work
& your hips are not angled
by your 82 year old bones
deciding just to crack
under the mere weight of you standing

in my dreams

you walk with me
& tell me truths
we walk down the correct path
you are protective of me

in my dreams

ancestor worship
shaman wisdom
dream walker
super ego
name your belief system
they all mesh
I wonder if that is why your legs are always tired
& they do not work now
when you are awake
you walk so many miles with me

in my dreams



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