jaxens mommy

Bio: tattooed stretched lobed dyke grunge beat poet pro-choice, pagan, democrat, soccer mom.. who votes.. >;) doing my best to piss off the radical right... ...which is very, VERY wrong.. ...Hate is not a family value..



i am currently on bed rest with twins.
jeani and i have been together for 3 years. we are raising her bio daughter mia (9)
feb 2005 we started ttc. i was 34 and my biological clock was ticking.
i got pregnant on the second try, with the help of clomid, and i miscarried our daughter julia in june.
after grieving, heartbreak, and many more tries. in feb 2006, thanks to gonal-f and lupron. we got pregnany with twins.
i went into preterm labor at 20 weeks. i was in the hospital for a week, and on mag sulfate to stop the contractions.
i am now home on a matria terbutaline pump, and stuck in bed until they are born, hopefully 10 weeks from now.


Blogger Tamarai said...

I am a blogwhore too. This is my blogspot blog. I am Whitefoot on LJ.

Blogger Jeri said...

lol, sorry if i am just cross posting, i am going to do the main posting in lj i thihnk, maybe just keep these other for the pregnancy.
i dont know.
it's the whole bedrest thing. lol. looking for things to do.


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