jaxens mommy

Bio: tattooed stretched lobed dyke grunge beat poet pro-choice, pagan, democrat, soccer mom.. who votes.. >;) doing my best to piss off the radical right... ...which is very, VERY wrong.. ...Hate is not a family value..


So Rita and I were watching the season finale of six feet under, and were deeply effected by the gay violence. And that is probably what set the mood for the weirdness that was to follow. (But is is a GREAT show for anyone who does not watch it.)
We were getting ready to go to bed and I was rounding up the dogs, messing around with the million baby gates we have around the house, banging, making noise, yelling at the dogs.. and then from the bathroom I hear Rita say "what's that?", in her playing voice. So I walk into the bathroom and see her looking at me, and she says, "you weren't just outside were you?".
I said no, didn't she hear me with the dogs?, when I asked her why, she said that there was just a hand in the bathroom window. Now to fully set this up, there is no screen in the window and the toilet is RIGHT underneath it. She said that she touched it when she said whats that.. and then her brain caught up with her eyes and she slammed the window down.. unfortunately not on the hand.
We had Watervliets finest here at 1am to check out the situation and he said that he saw a group of teens walking up the block and he was going to question them.. we haven't heard anything..
So after a sleepless night, Rita is late for work and we hear a knock at the front door, and look at each other, she looks out the front window and it is animal control. It seems that Orlando, our oldest bichon, who was not wearing a collar, decided to take a walk down the middle of a few streets, the animal control guy said that he knew Orlando belonged here. I'm not sure if that is good or bad.. But I guess a pack of 5 Bichons are hard to miss. The white blur..
Anyway, I am off to the New Jersey shore, and of course it is that time of the month. So if you happen to be watching the news and see a bald dyke limping around on one leg after a shark bite, that is me. I am only hoping it is not my leg with the tattoo, because I really like my tattoo..
g'night all.


grannie too

The smell is enough to make you cry
I walk in to see her
behind a slow moving line
elderly crabs marching towards dinner
creaking wheel chairs
all moving towards sustenance
elbows creaking the elderly chairs forward
crabs migrating
clicking at each other when their chairs touch
I want to pick my grandmother up
and run,
carry her out of there
take her home
feed her crab legs
make her strong
so she can walk on her own
and then convince her
that she is not a cannibal

i only slack off part time, but I am in trouble ALL the time, even if I am just sitting quietly and reading a book. BUT if it is a CLEVER trouble, I will always sit silent, so people will just look at me and smile, because they all think me to be a sort of genius because I can fix almost anything that is broken by just looking it, but then they look at the rainbows an pentagrams in my ear and sort of fear me, because I am everything that their religion teaches them to hate me on the weekends, and then they come and love me on the weekdays, and everyone has hangover on saturday mornings trying to reconcile the fact that I am “evil”, but am also close to a saint when they are sinking at work and I know what I am doing.
Every sunday, their eyes are just that more clouded at the prejudices spewing into their ears..


in my dreams
you still walk
your legs work
& your hips are not angled
by your 82 year old bones
deciding just to crack
under the mere weight of you standing

in my dreams

you walk with me
& tell me truths
we walk down the correct path
you are protective of me

in my dreams

ancestor worship
shaman wisdom
dream walker
super ego
name your belief system
they all mesh
I wonder if that is why your legs are always tired
& they do not work now
when you are awake
you walk so many miles with me

in my dreams



a cartoon SO worth checking out..
check for gills, baby..
and keep on keeping on..

oh FYI, my grandmother lived through another July.. it all gives me hope..

There is something to be said for working 16 hours non-stop nights, and then come home and have a few beers .. you can see everything clearly, and it all makes sense..
everything except for this summers' movie offerings.
But then again, you have only to look back and think that this is the culture who NEEDED to have a pet rock or a bunch of animal shaped bean bags www.badfads.com ..
Americans are by nature, a culture of rubberneckers...can you deny that??
We will always stop to see something that makes us feel better about our self-imposed positions in society. Whether it be a disfiguring car accident, or a supid mistake that gets someone called on the carpet at work..
I have to believe this, as it is the only thing that can possibly explain the summer boxoffice results.
We have offerings by major directors/franchises and then we get bad reviews, and we get a huge box office response?!?
What is that?? People interested in seeing other people screwing up? Or interest in seeing TERRIBLE movies?
I am a participant of this.
I have seen AI, I have seen Jurrasic Park III, I have seen Planet of the Apes.
What the hell was I thinking?
In a season that has seen a rise in movie ticket prices.
Who knows, I could blame it on the lack of sleep, or I could blame it on a Breeding frenzy in the greater Albany NY area that has set the census at work at an all time high that keeps me hopping at work...
I read the original short story that AI was loosly based upon, I read Planet of the Apes, and what ever Crichton has put out.. so of course I was ripe fodder..
I feel ripped off.
Is the the best that we have to offer?
I am just climbing in bed with the latest Chuck Palahniuk novel and hoping that he can write faster..