jaxens mommy

Bio: tattooed stretched lobed dyke grunge beat poet pro-choice, pagan, democrat, soccer mom.. who votes.. >;) doing my best to piss off the radical right... ...which is very, VERY wrong.. ...Hate is not a family value..


md appointment

it all went well.
i gave them the heads up that the insurance company is going to fight this again, the doctor said that the MFM doctor is going to fight back to have me keep until the pump until 37weeks! we are the office favorites i think. it helps to have an inside.;)

the 2 doctors that were there after the appointment and were talking to us said that it would be no problem to have them both scrub the c/s, (i work at a teaching hospital and there are only interns there during the day, the interns that just started to work in July, ugh)

so both practices are pushing to get the twins to 37 weeks and plan a c/s, lets just hope that my body complies.


i now have living room (recliner/showtime to watch weeds ) and outside (sitting only) privileges.

she said to listen to my body and go back to bed if i am uncomfortable and they will check my cervix in 2 weeks. i could land back in bed or the hospital if there is change, but since the pump is working they are anticipating that i will be ok.

looking ahead

i have always loved fall
the start of a new year for me
(my birthday is in october)
i love the brightness of the leaves changing
the sun that is warm but not too warm
breezes that bring familiar and comforting smells
i have been having dreams of days like these
jeani and i outside
each holding a baby
having the scent of the top of his/her head
mingle into the mix


i started to take showers every other day,
"washing" with baby wipes on the other day.
and i am shaving my head once a week.
just trying to keep some sort of routine.
trying to feel human
it gives me somthing to look forward to
i love my showers,
if i have not posted that enough.


i have a doctors appointment tomorrow at 345p.
i am not quite sure what they are going to do
listen to the babies? they are trying to do cultures and a pap smear, but i really do not want anything irritating my cervix
its just with the ob, so no pictures.
i am happy that i have my weight up to where it is suppose to be.


how i spent my summer vacation

mia woke up at 4am, so we are eating popcorn and watching
muppets from space
what else is summer about?
she has to do so much house work and we aren't going to do anything this summer. this is going to be one of those memories that she carries with her. how cool is it to be 9 and "up all night" with your step mom (she slept from 11-4) and watching movies on summer vacation?
does this make me a bad mom?

out of shows

is it sad that i have seen everything that comes on the discovery health channel? i am going to have to find a different channel to leave on all the time.
i cannot stand the re runs.

awake babies

i ate some extra dark chocolate, (because i had to)and the twins are doing the happy chocolate dance. i am just sitting here watching my belly, laughing at themi am so in love with themand having them in my bellyfeeling them movehaving them surprise me with a random hard kicki am sad... ...thinking that they will not be in there much longer...that this will probably be my only pregnancy...thinking that if one thing were different i would never have had this experiencei am overwhelmed and exhausted and hyped up on chocolate. and stuck in the divot in the feather bed. loli cannot roll myself out, jeani usually pushes me.and the sad part is i am not even that big yet. LOLOLi need a nap



i have had issues with gaining weight with the twins. i seem to just spend all day eating, and i was stuck at 170 (20 lb weigt gain)
at 25 weeks now, i notice a huge change in my belly, and i am up to 175 as if yesterday.
i just have to keep up the exhaustive eating schedule to keep it up. :)

want a new blog site?

i have invites to vox.com if anyone is interested..

better than the osbournes



i am currently on bed rest with twins.
jeani and i have been together for 3 years. we are raising her bio daughter mia (9)
feb 2005 we started ttc. i was 34 and my biological clock was ticking.
i got pregnant on the second try, with the help of clomid, and i miscarried our daughter julia in june.
after grieving, heartbreak, and many more tries. in feb 2006, thanks to gonal-f and lupron. we got pregnany with twins.
i went into preterm labor at 20 weeks. i was in the hospital for a week, and on mag sulfate to stop the contractions.
i am now home on a matria terbutaline pump, and stuck in bed until they are born, hopefully 10 weeks from now.